

Data Discovery And Classification: The Foundation Of Effective Information Governance

Protecting data in accordance with its value or sensitivity is a critical part of information management and data governance. A data discovery and classification exercise, facilitated by the right technology tools, will enable an enterprise to find its sensitive data, label it with the appropriate sensitivity, and ensure that you can demonstrate regulatory compliance by...

Request A Demo of Fortra's Classifier Suite

Spend less time worrying about your data’s security by spending time with us. During your demo, we will cover: A full run through of Fortra's Classifier Suite, including email and document classification How classification labelling and metadata restricts unauthorized sending The need to classify at a granular level Integration with downstream data protection tools, such...

The 5 Steps To Effective Data Protection

Image Every day your businesses are creating more and more data. Data gets saved, employees move on, data is forgotten and lost. Valuable information sits on your file servers and document stores, not protected and unrecoverable because no one knows where to find it. Using data classification helps you regain control over your...

Fortra's Classifier Suite User-Applied Classification and Symantec Data Loss Prevention Improve User Acceptance and Risk Reduction

The combination of Fortra's Classifier Suite and Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) reduces the likelihood of data loss by applying the insight of each knowledge worker to DLP decisions. Classifier captures the user’s view of the business value of data in the form of visual and metadata markings applied to messages and documents. This user perspective can then be used to...