

Data Classification: Enabling Compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, & More

Learn how Fortra's Data Classification Suite can facilitate compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and other prominent data privacy regulations.

What Is ISO 27001 and How Can It Help Your Organization?

Image What Is ISO 27001? Everything You Need To Know About ISO 27001:2022 ISO 27001, also known as ISO/IEC 27001, is a widely recognized international standard that defines best practices for implementing and managing information security for an Information Security Management System, or ISMS. The risk-based standard was published...

Classification in the Cloud

Image Cloud-based work environments are both convenient and cost-effective, especially in today’s remote world, but can present a challenge when it comes to meeting both regulatory compliance requirements and ensuring the protection of sensitive data. In order to maintain the protection of sensitive data when moving to and from the...

The Importance of Automation in Data Classification

Image It’s no surprise to anyone that the amount of data that exists is rapidly growing. A report by IDC predicts that by 2025, the global datasphere will have grown to 175 zettabyes. To put in perspective how much data this truly is, one zettabyte is equal to one trillion gigabytes – that is an astronomical amount of data. Needless...

All about POPIA compliance: South Africa’s new data privacy law – and what it means for you

South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) has finally come into force. That’s good news for South African citizens and residents, since the legislation’s aim is to protect their personally identifiable information (PII) after it’s collected by public and private entities in the country. But what does the new law mean for South African organizations who...