

Data Classification: Enabling Compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, & More

Learn how Fortra's Data Classification Suite can facilitate compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and other prominent data privacy regulations.

Singapore Personal Data Protection Act

The Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of 2012 establishes a general data protection law governing the collection, use, and disclosure of an individual’s information by an organization. With penalties that target the organization and the individual, PDPA strives to entrench the protection of personal data into the business culture of an organization. The foundation...

How Fortra Detects Data

Overview While there are several methods of classifying and identifying data within the data protection industry, DDE provides the most robust and flexible data detection tools available to the market today. Many of the Fortra tools incorporate advanced Machine Learning (ML) capabilities and enable customers to quickly and accurately detect and protect their sensitive data....

Government Security Classification, UK

Comply with Government Security (DCS) Classifications Policy The UK Government Security Classifications (GSC) policy requires that all UK government organizations classify their information assets into one of three types: OFFICIAL, SECRET and TOP SECRET. This simplified classification scheme replaces the previous Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS), making it easier...

Fortra for Data Classification

Use Data Classification To Enhance Your Data Security Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) products provides the essential classification tools to clearly inform both your people and your policies on what information should be secured and how to handle it. Manage and protect your data with the industry’s most flexible and customizable classification metadata schema. Give...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Financial Services

Protect Data and Meet Compliance Requirements Financial institutions face immense pressure to protect the data they create and collect. These organizations must be ever vigilant to the possibility of a data breach caused either by malicious actors or through employee mistakes. In either case, a data breach carries with it severe consequences, from heavy fines to the loss of...

ITAR Compliance with Fortra

The aerospace and defense organizations operate on a global scale and handle data that needs to be protected from competitors as well as foreign military and government organizations. Competitive secrets, disparate customer requirements, and government regulations surrounding the sharing of sensitive information are critical considerations in the aerospace and defense...
On-Demand Webinar

Why Data Classification is the Cornerstone of Regulatory Compliance

Achieving compliance across a wealth of new international data compliance regulations is a growing challenge, with many organizations struggling to keep pace. In addition, the rise of globally dispersed workforces and hybrid working environments are placing extraordinary pressure on every organization’s security. Today, data classification offers an increasingly persuasive...
On-Demand Webinar

Extending Microsoft Purview Information Protection Through Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) delivers a set of data protection solutions integrated into and focused upon the Microsoft environment, while Digital Guardian Data Loss Prevention (DLP) extends that protection to the rest of the OSs, browsers, and applications you rely upon. When integrated, MIP and Digital Guardian work together to provide you with the best and most...

Protecting Sensitive ITAR Information: A Data-Centric Approach To Export Control Compliance

ITAR covers the transfer of technical data and information relating to goods, as well as the goods themselves. Technical documents, product plans and specifications, design drawings, manuals and financial details may all need to be shared across the supply chain if an ITAR-related project is to be delivered. However, authority needs to be granted and access by unauthorized...

Integrating Information Labelling and Microsoft AD RMS

This guide will examine the challenges of content protection and user acceptance of this technology. It provides an overview of Microsoft’s Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) and its integration with Fortra Data Classification. This combination provides a powerful and intuitive solution for policy compliance and information protection. ...

Enhancing Microsoft MIP In An Era Of Enhanced Regulatory Obligation

Image The data protection landscape and compliance environment has changed significantly with the implementation of GDPR, and the many other privacy regulations that have followed suit. It is no longer about what organizations think they need to be doing in order to control their data, but what they are being told they need to do by...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Military

Swift action to commands based on operational understanding are hallmarks of a high-performing and responsive military. And the exchange of classified and even unclassified data – often in electronic form – are the lifeblood for any military organization to thrive and achieve mission success. The key is keeping sensitive data out of the hands of the wrong people. “With the...

Extending Microsoft RMS to Mobile

Mobile Users Can Now Access And Share RMS Protected Information On Mobile Devices With the growth of mobile and cloud technologies it is more important than ever to apply protection that travels with the data. If your information is encrypted it is always protected, even if lost or stolen. Microsoft® Rights Management Services (RMS) provides protection for sensitive documents...

Fortra Data Identification

The Problem Compliance regulations related to data are growing in number and complexity while IT and security solutions struggle to address these challenges, thus leaving major gaps. Due to these data regulations, organizations are required not only to understand the context and the value of the vast amounts of data that flow through email, but also protect and report on that...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Windows

With the volume and speed of data being created and shared at an all-time high, your organization’s sensitive information is likely in a myriad of locations including emails, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, PDFs, videos, and images. Should that data be exposed, it could have serious repercussions for your organization, such as reputation damage, loss of government...