
On-Demand Webinar

Cybersecurity Threats In Europe: What You Need to Know and What to Do About Them

In this webinar, Fortra experts Paolo Cappello, Managing Director International, and Steve Jeffery, Lead Solutions Engineer, are joined by guest speaker Tope Olufon, Senior Analyst at Forrester, to review the findings of Forrester’s recent European Cybersecurity Threats Report. European cyber security professionals struggle with similar attack techniques as their global...
On-Demand Webinar

Data Classification Take 30: Why You Need A Specialist Provider

In today’s cybersecurity market, we are seeing more vendors than before offering solutions which claim to cover all your security needs under one roof. Sure, from a business efficiency point of view this may seem like a very tempting offer – but in reality is it all too good to be true? We already know that data classification is the crucial foundation to a solid data security...

The Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) – Protecting Government Classified Information

Big data, data governance, data management and securing sensitive data – these are everyday challenges for Australian Government organizations, as well as making sure that sensitive data has the right security labelling applied. In this whitepaper we will explore how the Australian Protective Security Policy Framework is helping government agencies. We will examine Protective...

Meeting the UK Government Security Classifications (GSC) Requirements

With email the de-facto method of sharing information, government organizations must balance the need to share with the need to protect data from leakage or loss. In an effort to address a problem which is never far from the headlines, the UK Government has revised the requirements in its Government Security Classification (GSC) scheme to ensure information security, privacy...

Government Classification and Protective Marking Systems

Big data, data governance, data management and securing sensitive data – these are everyday challenges for government organizations around the world, as well as making sure that sensitive data has the right security labelling applied. In this whitepaper we will explore how classification and protective marking schemes are helping government organizations better secure data. We...

The Definitive Guide To Data Classification

Image   There are two types of companies: those that run on data and those that will run on data. Infosec professionals will perennially be challenged with more to do than time, budget, and staffing will allow. The most effective method to address this is through prioritization, and in the case of your growing data, prioritization...

Data Protection Technical Overview

Image What’s Inside: The key requirements for successful data protection How we provide the deepest, most unified, visibility of your sensitive data The Fortra Data Protection security architecture and infrastructure This technical overview guide includes our tested and proven requirements for protecting sensitive data, and what...

Data Discovery And Classification: The Foundation Of Effective Information Governance

Protecting data in accordance with its value or sensitivity is a critical part of information management and data governance. A data discovery and classification exercise, facilitated by the right technology tools, will enable an enterprise to find its sensitive data, label it with the appropriate sensitivity, and ensure that you can demonstrate regulatory compliance by...

Request A Demo of Fortra's Classifier Suite

Spend less time worrying about your data’s security by spending time with us. During your demo, we will cover: A full run through of Fortra's Classifier Suite, including email and document classification How classification labelling and metadata restricts unauthorized sending The need to classify at a granular level Integration with downstream data protection tools, such...

What Is Data Classification?

What Is Data Classification And What Can It Do For My Business? Data classification is an approach to identifying, protecting and managing information which has rapidly become best practice. Implemented as part of a layered security strategy, it enables an enterprise to defend itself against a variety of threats - from aggressive outsiders to untrained or well-meaning insiders...

SAFEMail Client & Server

A Secure Messaging Solution for Defence and Intelligence Environments Using Microsoft Outlook & Exchange At A Glance SAFEmail® Client and Server extends COTS Microsoft Outlook and Exchange message functionality to enhance the systems to support Medium and High Grade messaging capabilities. The modular architecture of SAFEmail provides the flexibility required for defense and...

Enhancing Microsoft AIP with Classifier

Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) provides a data security infrastructure across Microsoft applications, as part of the MS Azure subscription package. MIP is a cloud-based solution which allows you to classify and label Office files and Outlook emails, which in turn drives Microsoft Azure Rights Management (RMS). The underlying aim of MIP is to help organizations...

Enhancing Data Governance: Eliminating the Known Unknown

When discussing data governance tools, it’s no secret the topic of false positives is seen as one of the biggest downfalls. False positives occur when an event is triggered by the data governance policy in error, for example, a combination of numbers could be identified as a credit card number, or a reference number. This means that data can be quarantined unnecessarily,...

Australian Privacy Act – Privacy Amendment Fact Sheet

Protect personal data and avoid financial penalties and reputational damage in the face of constantly evolving privacy legislation. Privacy laws are front and center for most countries in 2022, and Australia is no exception. The Australian Privacy Act addresses the management and handling of personal data. It applies to any organization that holds data on Australian citizens,...

Mac Classifier Datasheet

User-centric data classification for Microsoft Office for Mac Application Suite At A Glance Apple Mac desktop and laptop devices are common amongst the senior executives of many organizations and dominate the creative and media industries. Within these communities the protection of sensitive data is paramount. According to analysts IDC, the market share for Mac devices has...

Fortra and Lookout’s Data Protection

Fortra's data classification products integrate with Lookout Cloud Security Lookout Security Service Edge (SSE) As organizations seek to utilize the broadest range of cloud capabilities to increase business agility — from email and collaboration applications to cloud infrastructure and beyond — the necessity for data loss prevention has intensified. With the need to enforce...

EU GDPR – Protect Sensitive Personal Data On EU Citizens Fact Sheet

Protect Sensitive Data on EU Citizens The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018, yet many organizations are still not fully prepared and compliant. This new regulation replaces the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive, and is intended to plug the trust gap, by modernizing the legislation that safeguards personal data within the EU. It makes...

Digital Guardian and Fortra's Classifier Suite for Data Classification

Digital Guardian integrates the Fortra's Classifier Suite Foundation Suite to incorporate the end users intimate data knowledge and drive more accurate data protection. End users self-classify data at the time of creation or interaction - this classification feeds data protection policy decision. User Classification augments the automated content and context classification with...

The 5 Steps To Effective Data Protection

Image Every day your businesses are creating more and more data. Data gets saved, employees move on, data is forgotten and lost. Valuable information sits on your file servers and document stores, not protected and unrecoverable because no one knows where to find it. Using data classification helps you regain control over your...